School supplies aisles in stores are fully stocked with supplies with SALE prices for kids returning to school on August 15. We at Temple Baptist have a wonderful opportunity to show some love to our local school community by rounding up some of the most needed supplies throughout the year.

About the Drive:
The goal is assist Westside Elementary, which is just a few blocks from our church, with a restock of mid year school supplies in January. This school supply assistance is much needed for the basic supplies to repenish the most used supplies throughout the Westside school’s upcoming 2018-2019 school year.
School Supplies Requested for Donation:
- Crayons
- Glue Sticks
- Composition Notebooks
- Wide-ruled loose leaf notebook paper
- #2 pencils
- Dry erase markers
- Kleenex
- Germ X
When to contribute:
- Now until end of August 2018 (to take advantage of the SALE prices)
- Beginning of November 2018 to end of December 2018
Ways to Contribute:
Drop off the new, unused supplies in the church office. Please place in a tote labeled “Westside School Supplies.” Cash or designated check donations will be also accepted that is marked for Westside Supplies.
This is a great project where you can truly make a difference in our community!
For more information, please contact the church office at (479) 636-1064 or speak to Roxanna Dabney.