

sparks-parent-role-main-v2Welcome to the Awana Club Ministry at Temple Baptist Church. We are excited about the upcoming year and look forward to ministering to your child. Awana Clubs are Christian based clubs that teach Biblical truths with an emphasis on scripture memorization. The goal of Awana Clubs is to reach boys and girls with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and train them to serve Him. Awana clubs reaches this goal through a very structured and creative program, and makes it fun and exciting for those involved.

At the club, your clubber will review the verse you helped teach at home. Working through the handbook with your child develops your spiritual leadership and helps you instill your child with a lifelong biblical worldview

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First time attendance…

Your child will receive an entrance booklet on the first visit to the club. This is the first step in AWANA achievement. We hope you will help your child complete this booklet in the next three weeks. After completing the entrance booklet, your child is eligible to earn more awards as a member of his or her AWANA Club. We want to work with you in providing balanced physical, social, mental, and spiritual activities for your child.




Ages 3 yrs to 5 year oldscubbie

Cubbies® celebrates the spiritual potential of preschoolers (3- to 5-year olds) by helping them develop respect for God, His Son and His Work.

Preschoolers can hardly wait for their next Cubbies club meeting. Whether it’s the fun puppets, the exciting games or all their Cubbies friends, they simply love it. At Story Time each week, preschoolers learn about God – the greatness of His love and His Word – and about His Son, Jesus Christ, the promised Savior. Non-competitive games build excitement and reinforce Story Time lesson themes

Cubbies helps you lead your child to God early so your child will respect and trust Him for life.



Kindergarten to 2nd Grade

Sparks® ignites the curiosity of early elementary-age kids to learn about the people and events of the sparkieBible, building a foundation of wisdom for knowing Christ.

To many children in kindergarten to second grade, Sparks is the highlight of the week! They love their red vests, the exciting games and spending time with leaders and friends.

Sparks is divided into three years, each with a unique rank: HangGlider®, WingRunner® and SkyStormer™. Each year, Sparks clubbers

  • explore the biographies of people of the Bible from a new portion of Scripture
  • memorize Bible verses
  • complete handbook activities

The handbooks, combined with Large Group Time lessons from the WHO Do I Need to Know From the Bible series, take your child on a journey through the entire Bible!



3rd Grade to 6th Grade

T&T engages third- through sixth-graders by answering their questions about God and the Bible, guiding them through this pivotal life stage to grow in Christ’s grace.

tntHandbooks and large-group lessons deepen a child’s knowledge about God and His Word and teach how to put that knowledge into action in everyday life.

T&T is different from other Awana programs. It is comprised of two clubs with distinct curriculum, uniforms and awards:

  • T&T Ultimate Adventure™ for third and fourth grades
  • T&T Ultimate Challenge™ for fifth and sixth grades

The ultimate message to kids of every age group is that nothing is more important than their relationship with Christ and following His way of living in the Scriptures.

Clubbers need to bring each week

  1. Book
  2. Bible
  3. Dues
  4. Wear tennis shoes to participate in games


Vest Book
Cubbies 10.59 10.99
Sparks 10.59 10.99
TnT (3rd/4th) 14.99 8.99
TnT (5th/6th) 15.99 10.99

Often asked Questions…

What do kids do at AWANA?

The club meeting is divided into three segments: Game Time, Handbook Time, and Council Time. While playing games on the unique AWANA Game Circle, kids have fun, get exercise, and learn good sportsmanship. During Handbook Time, clubbers progress through age- appropriate handbooks by memorizing and demonstrating an understanding of Bible passages. The main feature of Council Time is a Bible lesson, but it also includes recognition of achievement and presentation of awards.

What does the word “AWANA” mean?

“AWANA” is an acronym for “Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed.” It is taken from II Timothy 2:15, which states, “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

What is a section?

A section is a segment of material to be memorized; usually two or three Bible verses. Some sections include brief quizzes or puzzles designed to test Bible knowledge and understanding.

What is the five-count?

When an AWANA leader begins to count aloud from “one” to “five”, that’s the signal for quiet and attention among clubbers and leaders.

What are dues?

While our facilities and equipment are supplied by the church, each clubber is encouraged to bring 50 cents in weekly dues to help defray the cost of special supplies.

Join Us

Wednesdays during the school year

Time: 6:00 pm to 7:35 pm

Drop begins at 5:50 pm in sanctuary

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