The Drama events at Temple Baptist covers many different areas which are available to those wanting to use their talents in this special ministry.  The following are designed to give support to seasonal and ongoing ministries of the church.


The opportunities here can go from individual, small group and large combined performances.  Speaking parts, non-speaking parts or just carrying on a prop are several of the acting areas.  Christmas, Easter and VBS are our largest performance programs.


Two areas are designed to create all the costumes we use in our productions.  Everything from Biblical costumes, contemporary clothing, creating props to anything needed for the event.   If you can sew, glue or use scissors and have fun, this could be a place for you.

Set Construction and Painting

We create everything to professional stage building requirements.   A lot of sewing, woodwork, painting and designing is needed.  We do have a large collection of set materials, which we adapt for each program.

Stage Hands & Props

Every production needs people to work with sets and props to be sure they are in the proper place.  These are our unseen hero’s.  They keep inventories of all items as to their placement, who gets what prop and be sure everything is in place.  This group keeps our sets in the right place when needed.  These are very vital people to all our productions.

Church Decorating

Working with the Church Flower Committee this group works on our seasonal decorations for Christmas, Easter, Independence Day, and many other special events.  This unusual ministry has grown over the years to include everything from total decorations for the building to making table decorations for the Fellowship Hall tables.

Those interested in any of the the above ministry opportunities may contact Ron Simpson or John O’Connor.

Example of a PreSermon Skit:

Vacation Bible School Skits (VBS Skits)


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