Soar 2015

SOAR is a three-day celebration that continues to draw thousands of students and adults each year.  God is continuing to use SOAR as a platform to communicate the gospel to students as both a conference and now as a discipleship tool!

Our youth and sponsors attended the conference and had an awesome experience worshiping, learning and fellowship. Thank you for contributing in prayer and through fund raisers to allow the youth to attend.

Service Project at Denver Street Baptist Church Feedback:

Leigh Ellon Laminack Leonard – member of Denver Street
SOAR SERVES came to Greenwood today! So thankful to the youth group from Temple Baptist in Rogers and their fearless leaders, Dan Carson, Wade Allen, and Joanna Reddin Allen! They put new mulch in our flower beds, trimmed tree limbs, and spread gravel. And they did it with great attitudes and no complaining! Now go have a big time in big D at SOAR 2015!




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