We are glad you are interested in your child (or children) being picked up for VBS! The Temple Baptist Church Van will be picking up kids in your neighborhood. If you see your house street on the map then your child (children) are eligible for Church Van Pickup.

Plan to take the journey with us on June 26-30, 2016 (6:15 -8:50 PM). Our VBS is open to kids who are going into Kindergarten to 9th grade. Your child must be pre-registered to ride the Temple Baptist Church Van. The cost is FREE, nada, zip, nothing, zero!

church_vanPickup time – 6:00 pm

Drop-off time – 9:00 pm

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Prepare to embark on an adventure like no other, scouring the mysterious fathoms of the deep sea. Thrilling discoveries await just beyond the portholes of your submarine. Things look very different once you get below the surface – and that’s true for life above the surface, too.

As kids submerge themselves in God’s Word, they will discover that Jesus saw people differently. He didn’t just see what’s on the outside; He saw who people were down deep.

As kids learn to see themselves and others as Jesus sees them, they can realize that everyone needs a Savior – even those who look like they have it all together. A relationship with Jesus Christ changes everything! All you have to do is dive in!


Bible theme verse

Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my concerns. See if there is any offensive way in me; lead me in the everlasting way. Psalm 139:23–24

Submerged Trailer

Get a glimpse at exciting fun children will have at Submerged.

Overview of Each Day

Day 1 – Sunday

Jesus Saw Zacchaeus
Luke 19:1-10
Matt Dye and his family search for a big city in North America to start a new church. DJ and his mom travel to South Asia to visit his Auntie Helen and Uncle Donald to help them tell people about Jesus.

Day 2 – Monday

Jesus Saw the Woman at the Well
John 4:1–42
Matt and his family learn that Atlanta is not your traditional Bible Belt city. DJ learns that the kids his auntie and uncle are ministering to aren’t that different from him.

Day 3 – Tuesday

Jesus Saw Nicodemus
John 3:1–21; 19:38–42
The Dye family spend time talking to and getting to know the people in Atlanta. DJ visits a Hindu temple and prays for the people of South Asia to know the One True God.

Day 4 – Wednesday

Jesus Saw a Blind Man
John 9
Matt and his family start a shaved ice business and use the business to tell people about Jesus. Auntie Helen and Uncle Donald use creative ways to tell people about Jesus like putting Bible stories on SD cards.

Day 5 – Thursday

Jesus Saw the Children
Mark 10:13–16
The Dye family started M-28, their church, to help people in Atlanta learn about Jesus. Auntie Helen and Uncle Donald show the kids in South Asia that Jesus loves and accepts them.