VBS 2015 – Journey Off the Map

VBS 2015 – Journey Off the Map

Take The Journey Into An Exciting VBS This Summer

When was the last time you went on an adventure? Where did you go? Did you take a friend or go by yourself? What did you see and hear? Are you ready for a different, one-of-a-kind, life-changing adventure? If so, come join us for VBS 2015 as we Journey off the Map.

This year’s VBS will take our kids to uncharted territory where they will begin to understand that obedience to God can lead them beyond the expected. On this expedition of a lifetime, kids will need to stick close to their guide in order to survive. They will discover that Jesus is the ultimate guide on a journey uncharted by them, but known by Him. So, toss the map, stick close to your guide, and prepare to listen for God’s direction on this journey of a lifetime!

The theme verse for the week will be Isaiah 30:21: “And whenever you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear this command behind you: ‘This is the way. Walk in it.’”

Plan to take the journey with us on June 14-18, 2015 (6:15 -8:50 PM). Our VBS is open to kids who are going into Kindergarten to 9th grade. Contact the church office at (479) 636-1064 to pre-register your kids for this summer’s VBS. The cost is FREE, nada, zip, nothing, zero!

Please register your kids for this summer’s VBS adventure with the form below:




VBS Event Information:



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