Sermon Archive

Discarding the Influence of God’s Presence in My Life

Each one of us has a spiritual malady. We all suffer from the effects of being “in the flesh” and subject to the “fleshly” desires that draw us away from God and away from His plan for our lives. By His grace, He transforms us through the power of His Holy Spirit as we daily spend time with Him in His Word. But what if we neglect this practice? What if we turn aside and fall into sin again? How will it affect your relationship with God? How will affect your daily tasks? Find out the answers to these questions and more in today’s study–Discarding the Influence of God’s Presence in My Life

The Indictment of Christ on the Jewish Leaders

Just after Jesus warned the people to “be careful lest the light in you be darkness,” Luke records a strange encounter Jesus had with the Pharisees. After being invited into one of their homes, Jesus astonishes the Pharisees by choosing not to wash His hands prior to the meal. Why did Jesus’ actions elicit such a strong response? Why does Jesus then proceed to condemn them for their self-righteous nature? Pastor David sheds light on this and more in today’s sermon.

The Teaching of Christ on Prayer

In this portion of Luke’s Gospel, the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray. They had seen Him model the need for prayer, but they apparently did not know how Jesus was praying when He went away to pray. So, Jesus provided them with a pattern for prayer—not necessarily to quote verbatim, but to…