In our message last week, we considered all the tragedy that Naomi and Ruth experienced in the land of Moab. We talked about Naomi’s desperate condition—questioning God and struggling to see the purpose of her pain. It seemed to her that her life had no purpose—only pain. We need to discover the purpose in our pain, because nothing in our lives is wasted. God uses both good and bad to bring about His purposes in our lives. We must look for and trust in His providence at work in us. There is no such thing as coincidence. Look for God’s purposes in every situation. He was certainly working in Ruth’s life!
When we left off last week, all the men in Ruth and Naomi’s family had died while living in the foreign land of Moab. Naomi had heard that there was food back in Israel, so she decided to return to Bethlehem in hopes that God would have mercy on her and provide what she needed to be able to live. So let’s consider this next part of the story.
As we approach a study of this short book, we note that this book contains two types of stories—a story of tragedy and a story of rebirth. The tragedy is found nestled into the first few verses of this book and makes up less than 6% of the overall book. Even though this tragedy is just a token of the overall narrative, it is vitally important to understand its characters, setting and plot to be able to properly understand the rest of the story. This story begins—as the text reveals—“in the days when the judges ruled.” This is the reason why the Book of Ruth follows the Book of Judges in the Old Testament canon.
As we’ve come to the end of this book, we find that the Apostle John delineates his purpose here in the epilogue when he explains, “I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life” (1 John 5:13). He provides us with four tests that enable us to have assurance in our salvation. They are: 1) do I obey God and His Word, 2) do I trust God completely, 3) do I love others as God loves, and 4) do I experience the indwelling of His Holy Spirit? In our sermon last week, we explored this verse (and the few that follow it) and considered how we might walk confidently in God’s Light and Love. We determined that we should have confidence in our salvation and confidence in our prayer. Today, we want to take a few minutes to consider the last three aspects of this passage—confidence in our admonition, confidence in our standing and confidence in our understanding.
We have come to the end of our sermon series in the book of First John. If you remember, the first half of the book focuses on how “God Is Light” and how we should live as a result. The second half of the book focuses on how “God Is Love” and how we should also love as He has loved us. In this last part of 1 John 5, I see this section more like an Epilogue to the main body of the letter. Just as the first four verses of First John introduce the overall theme and purpose of the book, the last nine verses of the letter serve as a conclusion for the previous assertions. As we just noted, God is portrayed in this letter as Light and Love, and John is encouraging us to live our lives in God’s Light and Love!
As we examine this next section of Scripture in First John, we notice a repeating concept throughout this passage—the idea of testifying or testi-mony. Realizing the varied definitions and understandings of this word, we see in the primary definition of “testimony” that it is a “firsthand authentication of a fact.” This is the type of testimony we see hear in John’s first letter—a firsthand authentication of the fact of who Jesus is and what Jesus has done. We have a choice today—we can either believe the testimony of God and receive eternal life or don’t—it’s that simple.
As I was preparing our message this week, I found myself asking the question: “Is this really possible? Can people really do what I’m asking them to do this week? Can I do what I’m asking us to do?” As I studied, I realized that it is this defeatist attitude that usually keeps us from being all that God wants us to be. So as we move into the fifth chapter of First John, I want to encourage you to change your mind-set to that of Paul’s when he wrote, “I can do all things through him who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13). I want us to believe today that we can love as God loves and obey as God wants us to obey! That is evidence of our faith!
One of the effects of not meeting inside our facilities is that underutilized buildings tend to fall into disrepair. This past week, I was walking through the auditorium and actually walked through a cobweb! As I thought about the significance of that, I realized that just like our underutilized facility, the spiritual life of a believer who is not spending time in the Word and in prayer daily has the propensity to become stagnant and corroded. In other words, your daily spiritual walk has an effect on your spiritual well-being. That’s a pretty obvious statement, but one that we don’t seem to remember on a day-to-day basis. As we continue our journey through the second half of the book of First John, I want us to remember that the second half of this book is all about God’s love. I firmly believe that anyone who is encountering God’s love on a regular basis will not emerge unchanged. So this morning, we will be considering the effects of an encounter with the love of God.
Whether it is the latest Covid-19 Update or juicy gossip about our favorite celebrity, it is always wise that we consider the source of our information before blindly accepting it as truth! If it is important for things like this, how much more important is it that we consider the source when we are listening to teaching that is supposed to be truth from the Word of God. Are we considering the source there?
As we move on to chapter four in our study of the book of First John, we are confronted with this idea of considering the source. In the first six verses of this chapter, John provides us with four steps that we should take in order to identify whether or not the truth we are hearing is actually truth.