In the book of Galatians, Paul is addressing the issue of false teachers called Judaizers. In this text, Paul is encouraging them to stand against these false teachers because they were not called out of slavery to sin to become slaves to legalism. Rather, they were granted freedom in Christ to be able to love…
As we continue in our study through the One Another commands of the New Testament, we will focus our attention on the positive command to “stir one another up to love and good works” in the book of Hebrews. This idea of “stirring one another up” is a positive command, but in Ephesians 6 we…
Pastor Derrick came in view of a call and presented his philosophy of ministry that he has been working off of during his time as the student ministry intern. There is a necessity to grow into mature Christians who are teaching – Derrick’s discussed his goal to plant an excitement towards being a part teaching…
We are studying from Ephesians 4 and we want to focus specifically on the one another statement here in this chapter. In order to do this, we have to spend time looking at everything else in the chapter. We must always understand a text within its context, because a text cannot mean what it never…
Our journey through the One Another statements of the New Testament takes us today to Paul’s letter to the church at Ephesus. In order to fully understand the original intent of this passage, we must consider the context–or the text that goes with our text. When we do this, we discover that Paul is focusing…
The church should be “a group of individuals who, despite their differences, are willing to show love for one another through putting the well-being of others first. This will always mean speaking the truth and acting on the truth, but doing so in love. It will also mean having the humility to admit when we…
Brennan Manning pointed out, “One of the most shocking contradictions in the American church is the intense dislike many disciples of Jesus have for themselves. They are more displeased with their own shortcomings than they would ever dream of being with someone else’s. They are sick of their own mediocrity and disgusted by their inconsistency.”…
Last week, we talked about what it means to love one another with authentic love. We studied from Romans 12 and talked about the kind of love we must have: Our love must be genuine. Our love must be evident. Outdo one another in honor. Be persistent in our prayer. Be compassionate to those in…
As we embark on this journey through the “One Another” Commands in the New Testament, I want us to not lose sight of the prevailing goal of this series —we want to Unite People to One Another. In order to make that happen, we must learn how to get along with one another. The first…