When we become more inwardly focused, we resemble the picture of this church surrounded by razor wire and guarded by a sentry. People don’t want to get in!
Don’t let nostalgia of the ‘good-old-days’ keep us from changing to effectively reach our community for Christ.
In Daniel 4, we find Nebuchadnezzar’s second dream and his third encounter with Jehovah God. The timeframe for this event is not written explicitly in the text, but the events described here in chapter four describe a time toward the end of Nebuchadnezzar’s reign. Stephen Miller notes…
In Daniel 4, we find Nebuchadnezzar’s second dream and his third encounter with Jehovah God. The timeframe for this event is not written explicitly in the text, but the events described here in chapter four describe a time toward the end of Nebuchadnezzar’s reign.
God created you, so he could love you, and save you, and make you holy.
Grace Hills was started by Brandon and Angie Cox in the summer of 2011 with a handful of people meeting in a rented office in Bentonville. Our grand opening to the public was January 12, 2012 at the Rogers Malco Town Cinema and in January of 2015, we moved to the…
What can we learn from Daniel’s act of obedience?
I asked you to make a commitment to stand for God… to spend time in His Word every day… to live a life of excellence in every way! And the key to this challenge is that I have to make up my mind to live by God’s standards before I find myself in a difficult situation. If I am not resolved in my heart, I will not honor God with my decisions. So let’s get real for just a minute… what does this look like in your life?
King Belshazzar is hosting a ‘great feast,’ or party, where 1,000 of his nobles were in attendance. Belshazzar…
Is arrogant
Blasphemed God
Praised the Babylonian gods for his power and position
Daniel explained the dream as a panorama of four great Gentile empires. Virtually all scholars agree that the different parts of the statue represent empires or kingdoms, although there is disagreement concerning their identification.