The first words spoken by God as recorded in the Holy Scriptures are, “LET THERE BE LIGHT.” On that first day of creation, after God created the heavens and the earth, He spoke light into being. Light is a dynamic metaphor throughout Holy Writ—as is darkness.
Why was it important for Paul to defend his ministry while in Thessalonica?
What did Paul do that convinced the Thessalonians that he was the real thing, not some con artist?
Sermon Video, Audio and Text at
Paul Finds a New Mission Field.
Paul Finds Opposition in Corinth.
Paul Finds a Gateway for the Gospel.
True greatness affects others. Serving others…
Creates thankfulness
Blesses the person served
Encourages others
Opens them to Christ
Glorifies God to unbelievers
Honors God
Encourages yourself
Acts 10:24 – And on the following day they entered Caesarea. Cornelius was expecting them and had called together his relatives and close friends. [This was his Circle of Influence]
Sermon Video, Audio and Text at
How and Why are we Blessed? BLESS – A Step-by-step Guide to Reaching the Lost
Who is Lifeword Media Ministries and what is their purpose?
Lifeword is dedicated to communicating the gospel of Jesus Christ through mass media to every living soul upon the earth.
The purpose of Lifeword Media Ministries is to assist local churches of the BMA to provide Christ-centered quality programming through media to produce disciples of Jesus Christ in order to fulfill the Great Commission.