Is respect really a big deal? Most people—both men and women—believe that respect is something to be earned. The Bible teaches unconditional respect!
A History of the Harvest Gleaner Hour and Lifeword by George Reddin
Communicating Love to Your Wife. What is the Example of Love…
Bricks Without Straw, God Promises Deliverance…
Learning to Jump Off the Crazy Cycle
Ephesians 5:31-33
Learning to Listen – Keys to Communication
Actual Content
Tone of Voice
Body Language
I am willing go against against public sediment to honor God?
God hears our cries. God is listening to pleading of our hearts.
“Hearing” in the New Testament
The word “hear” in the New Testament does not usually refer to an auditory experience.
It usually means to pay heed. So as you listen to your spouse you need to pay heed to what he or she is saying.
Moses’ excuses and unwillingness to obey evoked the anger of the Lord. God provided a helper to Moses—his brother Aaron. Moses is commanded to take the rod with him to Egypt.
Communicating in a Tech-Driven World
-Interface? Or face to face?
-Is this a positive or negative thing?
-Does the Bible speak to this issue —especially as it relates to our families?
Is it enough to simply put Family First?
What is the Heart of Family Life?