There are two sections in our text today that have a related theme—when given the opportunity, will we follow Christ or make excuses? In the first section (v 51-56), Jesus went again to the region of Samaria with the good news. Unlike His first encounter with the Samaritans (John 4), the people did not receive…
Last week, we noted that “the grand key for perseverance is faith. Knowing this, we are set up for the greatest exposition of the subject of faith found anywhere in Scripture—in chapter 11.” (R.Kent Hughes) So as we move into the eleventh chapter of Hebrews this morning, we will begin our exposition with a definition for faith. After that, we will take a few minutes to consider some of the “people of old” that are not mentioned by name in the remaining portion of the chapter. And then, finally, we will look at some foundational teaching about faith.
there are three primary aspects of the Christian walk: knowing God, abiding in God and obeying God. We cannot neglect any one of these aspects or we will be in danger of becoming either legalistic, heretical or a hypocrite. The Christian walk should be found in the conflux of these three thinks—knowing, abiding and obeying. As we maintain this balance and grow in all three areas, our Christian walk will be characterized as being mature. As I have evaluated all these elements of the Christian walk, I felt strongly that prayer and Bible study are the two spiritual disciplines that are absolutely indispensable. Beyond these two, I believe that there are four more disciplines that should be practiced daily, including community, worship, service and solitude. Those elements will be our focus over the next four weeks.