In this morning’s message we will be looking at some of Moses’ experiences with the presence of God, specifically the burning bush incident and the encounters with God in the tent of meeting. From these passages, we will notice three essentials for experiencing intimacy with God—connection, commitment and communication. And then we will consider God’s…
Today, we will be considering what you may consider an unusual topic in the area of pursuing God. Today, we will be thinking about embracing our weaknesses for God’s purpose in my life. Many people that God chose to use throughout Scripture were plagued by flaws and deficiencies, but God does not call people because…
Many of us know Moses as the leader of the people of Israel but his story doesn’t begin there. God was at work in Moses’ life long before He was raised up to deliver the people of Israel and usher them into the Promised Land. God was at work in his life at his birth, He was at work in His life when Moses was in the home of Pharaoh and He was at work when Moses fled to the land of Midian. In today’s study, Bro. Ron Fields shares how God was working out His purpose for Moses every step of the way and how He does the same in each and every day of our lives today.
Each one of us has a spiritual malady. We all suffer from the effects of being “in the flesh” and subject to the “fleshly” desires that draw us away from God and away from His plan for our lives. By His grace, He transforms us through the power of His Holy Spirit as we daily spend time with Him in His Word. But what if we neglect this practice? What if we turn aside and fall into sin again? How will it affect your relationship with God? How will affect your daily tasks? Find out the answers to these questions and more in today’s study–Discarding the Influence of God’s Presence in My Life
For our new sermon series, we’re going to be looking at some lessons from the life of Moses. Unlike an expository sermon series which would begin at the beginning of the Book of Exodus and work its way through the text, we will be looking at Moses’ life from a topical point of view. The…
For the next several weeks, we’re going to be focused on the redemptive story of Scripture that was fulfilled through the incarnation of God the Son in the person of Jesus of Nazareth, who was born into this world as a baby and grew to be a man who would die on the cross to…
In our passage today from Hebrews 11, we will begin to observe the ways in which these “Heroes of the Faith” lived their lives. The three men mentioned in this passage are part of the same family—a family of faith, but as we examine the correlating passages in Genesis 4-6, we will be able to contrast these three men with men with another family—a rebellious one. In each case, legacy and heritage played a role in the ultimate outcome.
As we enter into this third week of our Advent studies, let’s pause for a moment to remember that advent refers to the coming of or arrival of the Messiah. While looking at the prophecies that foretold of His coming, we have seen several, overarching themes that have arisen. The first week, we talked about hope, and that hope is to be found in nothing other than Jesus Christ. The second week, we considered the concept of peace, and determined that only Jesus is able to provide us with real lasting peace. Today, we are going to focus our attention on the concept of joy.
When it comes to our Christian walk, we want instant spiritual maturity. We want all our sinful desires to just magically disappear. We don’t understand why the war between the flesh and the spirit continues to rage inside of us. We struggle to see God’s plan at work in our lives as we flounder in mediocrity—mediocrity in our prayers, mediocrity in our Bible reading and study, mediocrity in witnessing and mediocrity in ridding ourselves of all the sin that weighs us down and trips us up. The problem is that there is nothing about spiritual growth and maturity that comes quickly. We need to think about discipleship more like a crock pot, not a microwave!
At the beginning of the book of Exodus, God’s people are growing in strength and number while living in Egypt. Things look good for them and everything is going well until a new Pharaoh rises to power that turns their prosperity to oppression. It’s easy to imagine God’s people wondering, “What is going on?” or “Where is God?” or “Is He doing anything?” Today’s message from Exodus 2 reminds us that God never wastes a moment but is always working for His glory and the good of His people, even when it’s not clear in the moment.