As we seek to find significance in our lives, we need to remember that it is not about what we do for God that is important—it is discovering who you already are in Christ! “Since there is no one else in the Body of Christ quite like you, discovering your ministry identity—who you are in Christ—is absolutely essential.” When it comes to ministry, “you must discover and fulfill the design components which the Lord has strategically placed in you. You don’t need to DO anything, other than to learn to fulfill who and what God has already prepared” (Paul Ford). Ministry is about who you are—who God created you to be—not what you do in trying to serve Him! In our text this morning, we’re going to explore some lessons about ministry that we learn from Moses in Exodus 18. We will spend some time applying his father-in-law’s advice to our own situation here at Temple Rogers.
The Spiritual Disciplines of silence and solitude—while unique from one another—go hand-in-hand. You can have solitude without silence, but it is almost impossible to have silence without solitude. So rather than spending two weeks discussing these disciplines separately, I will do my best to address them as two sides of the same coin. By definition, solitude is the state or “situation of being alone without other people.” Solitude provides believers with an opportunity to reflect on spiritual matters by removing the distraction of people and things. A few weeks ago, Pastor John preached on the discipline of community and how we need one another to grow in spiritual maturity. Experiencing community is essential to our spiritual growth, but so is being alone with God!
God is sovereign! He was sovereign in Moses’ birth. He was sovereign in Moses’ call. And He was sovereign in His dealings with the Egyptians. He will be sovereign in the situations we face in our lives as well. God is calling us to do great things for Him. The first step toward following God’s call on your life is identifying yourself with God. Step two is to listen to all the Lord speaks to you through His Word, through wise counsel and through the guidance of His Spirit. Step three is trusting in God’s power and presence in the life and ministry to which you have been called.
Sermon “Learning to Live with Margin”, Sermon 8 of “The Adventures of Family Life” series
Video, Audio and Sermon text included
Bricks Without Straw, God Promises Deliverance…
I am willing go against against public sediment to honor God?
God hears our cries. God is listening to pleading of our hearts.
Moses’ excuses and unwillingness to obey evoked the anger of the Lord. God provided a helper to Moses—his brother Aaron. Moses is commanded to take the rod with him to Egypt.
This is the third lesson from the section, “The Lord Calls a Leader.”
This is the second lesson from the section, “The Lord Calls a Leader.”