Four events occurred in a dramatic succession on that Easter weekend: The Upper Room, The Garden, The Crucifixion, The Resurrection of Jesus. Let’s look at each of those events and their implications.
In prayer, we must focus on: Receiving God’s Word as truth; Believing God’s Word; Exhibiting unity among believers; Remaining faithful to God; Being protected from the devil; Being sanctified by the Word; Being sent into the world.
In John 17, Jesus prayed for…Himself, Followers of Christ and Future Christ Followers
John 16:16-33, Do you have confusion about the future? Sorrow will change into Joy. Prayer is a specific example of the change.
John 16:4b-16 People will often admit to failures, vices and crimes; but it takes the mighty work of the Holy Spirit to convince and convict people of their sinfulness.
John 15:18-16:4a We are CALLED to FOLLOW. We are COMMANDED to TESTIFY. We are CHALLENGED to CONTINUE to the END.
John 15:1-17 Roles in the Relationship: Who is God? Who is Jesus? Who are you?
John 14:12-30 Who is this new Helper? What does the Helper do? What will this new Helper provide?
John 14:1-11 The fear of the unknown can be crippling if we do not put our faith in God.
John 13:18-38 Figuring out who it was? Peter – selfishness – nodded at John to find out who it is that was going to betray Jesus He was consumed with his selfishness Betrayer Judas’ plan v10 – Judas has raised his hell against him and his close friends v 21 – one of you will betray me…