Nehemiah: Rebuild & Renew (Page 2)

Rebuilding Requires Preparation

After spending months fasting, praying and seeking God’s will, Nehemiah knew what the God-given purpose was for his life–he was to do whatever it took to rebuild the wall around the holy city of Jerusalem. Assured in his calling, he began waiting for God to show him when. In the meantime, Nehemiah spent a great deal of time planning for every contingency so that he would be ready when God opened the door. In this study, we will consider some of the steps in the process of preparing to fulfill our God-given purpose in life!

Rebuilding Begins with Realignment

We live in a world filled with terribly immoral things. We are surrounded by wickedness everywhere we turn. It is this wickedness that has broken down the various aspects of our lives. How in the world will we be able to combat all this evil? How will we be able to rebuild what is broken? In our message today, we will see that rebuilding begins with realignment. We must change the way we think. We must adjust our priorities. We must alter our daily routines to reflect a desire to put God first in our lives!

Rebuilding Emerges from Devastation

With all that is happening in the world today, is it any wonder that people are dealing with extreme levels of anxiety and depression? Our lives… our country… our world is broken! We yearn for restoration and renewal in every aspect of life. We need spiritual, emotional and relational renewal! But how do we move forward with so much working against us? We rebuild. We restore what is broken. That’s what the Book of Nehemiah is all about. God’s chosen people were broken and their capital city lay in ruins, but God had a plan to restore the broken and He still has a plan for us as well today!