Pastor of Senior Adults and Care Ministries
Pastor of Senior Adults and Care Ministries
Many of us know Moses as the leader of the people of Israel but his story doesn’t begin there. God was at work in Moses’ life long before He was raised up to deliver the people of Israel and usher them into the Promised Land. God was at work in his life at his birth, He was at work in His life when Moses was in the home of Pharaoh and He was at work when Moses fled to the land of Midian. In today’s study, Bro. Ron Fields shares how God was working out His purpose for Moses every step of the way and how He does the same in each and every day of our lives today.
“Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see.” It is good to rejoice over God’s gracious salvation and give thanks for His grace extended to us in Christ Jesus. But is that all we should? How deeply should God’s grace affect us? Pastor Ron shares how grace transforms our character and changes the way we treat those around us.
Some may seek for spectacular signs and wonders, others may claim great miracles and manifestations of God’s power, but God speaks to each of us today through His Word. We need no priest, no prophet, no holy man, we have His holy Word. Are we listening to what He has to say to us today?
Four events occurred in a dramatic succession on that Easter weekend: The Upper Room, The Garden, The Crucifixion, The Resurrection of Jesus. Let’s look at each of those events and their implications.
Become a Child again, Dependence , Wonder, Rediscover the Blessing Of Giving, Turn the Lights On. What do these things have to do with Christmas? Listen and see for yourself…
Don’t let nostalgia of the ‘good-old-days’ keep us from changing to effectively reach our community for Christ.
We know that God is in control.
Why are people so indifferent to the matter of salvation? Disbelief, Disdain, …
I am willing go against against public sediment to honor God?
God hears our cries. God is listening to pleading of our hearts.