Sermons by Wade Allen (Page 23)

Lead Pastor

Show Them the Light

As we consider the ways that people in Scripture connected people to God, we want to encourage you to think about what you should do to connect people to God too! The goal of this series is to motivate you to consider the spiritual needs of those in your circles of influence and do whatever it takes to get them connected. In this study, we will see who Jesus is and what we need to do to know Him as our Savior.

Encouraging the Leaders One Last Time

I can identify with Paul here in Acts 20 as he is saying goodbye to the leaders from Ephesus—a place where he had spent at least three years of his life pouring into these brothers and sisters. Paul knew that he could not take the time to see everyone again, but I assume that the emotional turmoil that it would cause would have been equally difficult. So Paul had the Ephesian church leadership come to Miletus to meet with him there. There is a great deal from this passage that could be our focus, but we will spend our time examining Paul’s final encouragement to them.

Falling Asleep and Its consquences

In Acts 20, Paul continues his travels on his third missionary journey. Very little information is given about these stops in his journey—save for one interesting story about a young man from Troas who fell asleep while the church members were having an all-night discussion with Paul about Scripture. In this study, we focus not…