Propitiation April 30, 2017 Wade Allen Jesus, Propitiation, Salvation, Sin Romans 0 Comments It is because of the blood of Jesus that we have forgiveness of sins.
The Upper Room, Garden, Crucifixion, Resurrection April 23, 2017 Bryan Taylor, John O'Connor, Ron Fields, Wade Allen Creator, Faith, Jesus, Love, Palm Sunday, Resurrection, Salvation, Sin, Trust John, Luke, Mark, Matthew 0 Comments Four events occurred in a dramatic succession on that Easter weekend: The Upper Room, The Garden, The Crucifixion, The Resurrection of Jesus. Let’s look at each of those events and their implications.
Mindset of Christ April 16, 2017 Wade Allen Humility, Servants, Unity Philippians 0 Comments The purpose of this lesson is to help us see how seeking to understand the mind of Christ can bring unity among God’s people.