Sermons by Wade Allen (Page 36)

Lead Pastor

The Motivation for the Gospel

Part 1- It is amazing to see what motivation can do in a person’s life! In this message, we’re going to take a few minutes to think about the motivation for the gospel in Acts 8. We will pick up this story with the persecution of believers in the church at Jerusalem. Because of this intense time of persecution, all of the believers (not including the apostles) left Jerusalem looking for safer places to live. As they went, they shared the good news about Jesus. This passage tells us the story of Philip and his experiences in the city of Samaria.

Preparing Our Lives for the Unexpected

This time of year often becomes a bit of a rat race. We survived the Black Friday sales, the Cyber Monday blitz, and all the ‘three-weeks-‘til-Christmas’ shopping traffic yesterday. Last week, Pastor Ron challenged us to prepare our hearts for Christmas—with childlike faith, generosity in our giving and our thoughts focused on Christ! These are things that all of us should strive for, but too often the ‘hustle and bustle’ of the Christmas season gets in the way. So how do we keep our focus on the CHRIST of Christmas this year? What should we do to prepare our hearts for Christmas?

Finding Reasons to be Thankful

In this sermon, I want us to focus on God’s blessings and goodness to us, and how we should respond in return. In Psalm 107, the psalmist gives us several pictures of how God sees His children and the struggles that they are facing. We will take time to examine each of these word pictures and observe how we too are struggling in much the same way today. Within each of these word pictures, we will see what God promises to do for us and how He hopes we will respond.

Worship and the Unbelieving Seeker

When we think about all that goes into planning a worship service, where is our focus? Do we focus on what our people want? Do we focus on what the world sees as attractive? Or do we focus upon God and what pleases Him? In our text today, we will spend some time considering the effect that true worship has upon the life of a seeker, but in order to do that, we will also be looking at the impact of a false, frenzied worship as well.

Judges ~ Lecture 4 – Living among Idols

Lecture 4 – In Judges 2, we find the second introduction for this book. We have returned to the time (just before Joshua’s death) when all of Israel has gathered together after being summoned by Joshua. Joshua instructed the Israelites to complete the work of driving out the inhabitants of the land of Canaan. What we discover in this text is how well the Israelites obey Joshua’s instructions. In verses 10-19, we are given a description of the repeating cycle of sin, repentance, deliverance and peace that serves as a template for the rest of the book.

Worship and the Generosity of the Believer

What thoughts and worries consume our moments and our days? Is God permeating those moments? If worship is a way of life, then every moment of that life should be designed to bring glory to God—even our finances. In his letter to the Corinthian church, Paul focuses on our motivation for giving, which is the grace of God. He then reveals a number of evidences that appear when our giving is motivated by grace—when our giving becomes a spiritual act of worship.

Worship and the Salvation of the Believer

In this sermon, we will spend some time examining Paul’s instructions to Titus concerning how to live in such a way to bring glory to God in our lives. Paul gave similar instructions in chapter five of his letter to the Roman church. The Bible teaches us that God saved us as a result of his loving-kindness, and experiential knowledge of this salvation is a requirement to be able to truly worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.