For many years, attempts have been made to disprove the historicity of the man called Jesus of Nazareth—His virgin birth, His sinless life, His gruesome death and His miraculous resurrection. The foundation of the Christian religion is based upon WHO He is, as much as WHAT He taught; so opponents of Christianity have spent countless hours attempting to discredit the claims of Christ followers and bring into disrepute the One we worship as the Messiah—Jesus Christ of Nazareth. What proof do we have for the resurrection of Jesus?
When it comes to the spiritual leader named Jesus, everybody has an opinion. Jesus has a polarizing effect on people. You can talk about God and spiritual things all day long, but people don’t always like it when you talk about Jesus.
Who is Jesus? Is He a man? Was He a man? Is He a myth? Or is He God? The answers to this question are as varied as the people who supply them. People have been asking this question for the past two millennia. In fact, Jesus Himself was the first to ask this question. Who did Jesus claim to be?
There have been many so-called “Scholars” who have set out to disprove the existence of the historical God/man named Jesus. But as renowned Professor Emeritus of History at the University of Miami said, “We have more and better historical documentation for Jesus than for any other religious founder (e.g. Zoroaster, Buddha or Muhammad).” Edwin Yamauchi
It is never too late to dedicate the rest of your life and your family to the Lord.
Mary is not the only one who found favor, or grace, with God. Each one of us has received God’s grace through Jesus Christ.
This time of year often becomes a bit of a rat race. We survived the Black Friday sales, the Cyber Monday blitz, and all the ‘three-weeks-‘til-Christmas’ shopping traffic yesterday. Last week, Pastor Ron challenged us to prepare our hearts for Christmas—with childlike faith, generosity in our giving and our thoughts focused on Christ! These are things that all of us should strive for, but too often the ‘hustle and bustle’ of the Christmas season gets in the way. So how do we keep our focus on the CHRIST of Christmas this year? What should we do to prepare our hearts for Christmas?
Become a Child again, Dependence , Wonder, Rediscover the Blessing Of Giving, Turn the Lights On. What do these things have to do with Christmas? Listen and see for yourself…
What are the gifts of Christmas? Who was the Promise of God from the beginning? Luke 1:32-33; 3:33