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Four events occurred in a dramatic succession on that Easter weekend: The Upper Room, The Garden, The Crucifixion, The Resurrection of Jesus. Let’s look at each of those events and their implications.
Mary is not the only one who found favor, or grace, with God. Each one of us has received God’s grace through Jesus Christ.
Become a Child again, Dependence , Wonder, Rediscover the Blessing Of Giving, Turn the Lights On. What do these things have to do with Christmas? Listen and see for yourself…
In John 17, Jesus prayed for…Himself, Followers of Christ and Future Christ Followers
John 16:4b-16 People will often admit to failures, vices and crimes; but it takes the mighty work of the Holy Spirit to convince and convict people of their sinfulness.
John 15:1-17 Roles in the Relationship: Who is God? Who is Jesus? Who are you?
The idea of being alone is a hard one to deal with. It is something that some of you have had to learn to deal with. In this message, we will look at the ways in which we can overcome the fear of being alone.
When you place your trust in Jesus Christ—His death on the cross and resurrection from the grave—there is no need to fear death!
It does not matter what I’ve done… Jesus died in my place to pay for my sins—I must simply trust in Him!
We can face life with confidence, because “God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” (2 Timothy 1:7)
King Belshazzar is hosting a ‘great feast,’ or party, where 1,000 of his nobles were in attendance. Belshazzar…
Is arrogant
Blasphemed God
Praised the Babylonian gods for his power and position
Sometimes we have to hit bottom and hit it hard before we can truly say that we love. If your life was perfect, Then what would you need Jesus for?