Sermons on Resurrection

Passion Week: Simon Peter’s POV

My goal today is to focus on some of the events from the last half of the week, but I hope to do this by seeing these events through the eyes of one of Jesus’ closest followers—Simon Peter. Throughout the Passion Week, Simon Peter seems to be involved in everything that is happening—which is sometimes good and sometimes not so good. As we consider all these things that he said and did during these last few hours of Jesus’ life, I hope to be able to portray not only his words and actions but also his implied thoughts and feelings. I will not overly-dramatize the text of Scripture to make it say something that it does not say, but I will attempt—when possible—to analyze the text of these gospels to help us see and feel what Simon Peter is experiencing. We’ll begin where Pastor John left off last week—in the Upper Room where Jesus and His disciples celebrated the Passover on Thursday evening.

REMEMBERING: Celebrating God’s Work in Us

One thing that I really love to do is to get together with old friends and reminisce about all the crazy stuff that we used to do. Remembering the good things in life is a healthy thing, so long as we don’t live in the past. God encouraged His people to remember—remember the Passover, the Law, entering the Promised Land. He wants us to remember the great, spiritual moments of our lives as well, for when we remember God’s goodness to us in the past we will have hope for God’s goodness in the present! Remember!

Why should I believe in the resurrection of Jesus? Isn’t it a hoax?

For many years, attempts have been made to disprove the historicity of the man called Jesus of Nazareth—His virgin birth, His sinless life, His gruesome death and His miraculous resurrection. The foundation of the Christian religion is based upon WHO He is, as much as WHAT He taught; so opponents of Christianity have spent countless hours attempting to discredit the claims of Christ followers and bring into disrepute the One we worship as the Messiah—Jesus Christ of Nazareth. What proof do we have for the resurrection of Jesus?


When you place your trust in Jesus Christ—His death on the cross and resurrection from the grave—there is no need to fear death!
It does not matter what I’ve done… Jesus died in my place to pay for my sins—I must simply trust in Him!
We can face life with confidence, because “God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” (2 Timothy 1:7)