For our new sermon series, we’re going to be looking at some lessons from the life of Moses. Unlike an expository sermon series which would begin at the beginning of the Book of Exodus and work its way through the text, we will be looking at Moses’ life from a topical point of view. The…
As we continue our series today—Behold the Lamb of God—we’re going to be looking at one section of prophecy in the Book of Isaiah concerning the coming king of Israel. But this king that Isaiah prophesied about was not a king “full of power with a sword in his fist,” he was a king that…
For the next several weeks, we’re going to be focused on the redemptive story of Scripture that was fulfilled through the incarnation of God the Son in the person of Jesus of Nazareth, who was born into this world as a baby and grew to be a man who would die on the cross to…
For the past several weeks, we have been looking at the teachings of Christ on various topics—from prayer to spiritual warfare to hypocrisy to personal property. In each of these areas, Jesus taught His disciples how they were to think, act and speak. In this last section of teachings, Jesus is seeking to motivate His…
So, as we dive into the twelfth chapter of Luke again today, we’re going to spend some time thinking about Jesus’ teachings concerning the areas of greed, jealousy, drunkenness, gluttony, laziness and pride. Doesn’t that sound like fun? In all seriousness, some of the issues that Jesus brings up in our text today may not…
In the twelfth chapter of Luke, the gospel writer packs these first twelve verses with a ton of theological content dealing with issues such as hypocrisy, eternal judgment, the reality of hell and the unforgivable sin. In this message, Pastor Wade looks at each of these and more to develop some cohesion within these topics…
Just after Jesus warned the people to “be careful lest the light in you be darkness,” Luke records a strange encounter Jesus had with the Pharisees. After being invited into one of their homes, Jesus astonishes the Pharisees by choosing not to wash His hands prior to the meal. Why did Jesus’ actions elicit such a strong response? Why does Jesus then proceed to condemn them for their self-righteous nature? Pastor David sheds light on this and more in today’s sermon.
The focus of the message today is a series of teachings and encounters with many who would consider themselves as the enemy of Jesus—people who were hurling false accusations and unfounded theories on who He was. These accounts of the rejection of Jesus are interspersed with snippets from those who received Him in a positive…
In this portion of Luke’s Gospel, the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray. They had seen Him model the need for prayer, but they apparently did not know how Jesus was praying when He went away to pray. So, Jesus provided them with a pattern for prayer—not necessarily to quote verbatim, but to…
In this story of the two sisters who loved Jesus, we see this love demonstrated in two very different ways. Martha was the consummate hostess— abounding with the gift of hospitality. In many ways (it seems), Martha found her since of worth and identity in what she was able to do for the Lord Jesus.…