Blessing Those in Our Circle of Influence

Blessing Those in Our Circle of Influence

Acts 10:1-48

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 Acts 10:24

24 And on the following day they entered Caesarea. Cornelius was expecting them and had called together his relatives and close friends.

[This was his Circle of Influence]

Exploring Acts 10

  • 10:1-8 – Cornelius hears from God
  • 10:9-19 – Peter hears from God
  • 10:19-24a – Peter obeys God
  • 10:24-29 – Cornelius reaches out
  • 10:30-33 – Cornelius shares his story
  • 10:34-44 – Peter shares his story
  • 10:45-48 – God is glorified

How can we bless our circle?

  • Begin, continue and end in prayer.
  • Identify unbelievers in my circle
  • Be strategic in BLESSing them

88% of people who come to know Christ and join the church do so because they know someone there


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