Bro. Filimeno Kakilala

Missionary to the Philippines


  • For a smooth transition as we move to Ilocos Norte, Philipppines, especially for our young daughter Justine.
  • For blessing upon our new outreach among the Ilocano people in the Philippines.
  • For our churches in Hawaii to continue to grow and form the BMA Hawaii association.
  • For our Micronesia ministry in Chuuk and for expansion to Pohnpei.
  • For our South Pacific work in the Samoan islands and scheduled BMMI trip in 2015.
  • For our Singapore outreach and evangelistic efforts in this island nation.


  • For new leaders in Hawaii who are excited about serving the Lord.
  • That a successful BMMI outreach on Savaii island in Samoa brought medical help, spiritual conversions, and sweet fellowship in this South Pacific region.
  • For continued growth in Micronesian work and for an open door to begin work in Pohnpei.
  • For faithful partners who pray and support our ministry in Asia-Pacific.
  • That God is good . . . all the time!

Filimeno, Lisa, Matthew, Charisa, Justine, Susann, Joshua, Noelani and Lilyanna

Address: 1701 Dave Ward Drive #106
Conway, AR 72034
United States



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