Called to Disciple

This morning, we will be focusing on a topic that I have given much of my life to thinking about. I’ve spent years working to develop effective processes and tools for its implementation. It’s been said that “a person needs to invest about 10,000 hours in a skill in order to master it.” In the past twenty-five years, I can safely say that I have invested well over 10,000 hours in the development and practice of discipleship skills, but I would not dare say that I am an expert in making disciples. I’ve learned many ways that don’t work—and a few ways that seem to work at times. The thing that I’ve learned above all else is that only God can transform the sinful heart of a man or woman! There is no magic formula for making disciples; nor is there a singular way to accomplish this goal. :2 The key to making disciples is that the Spirit of God is working through the Word of God to bring about the transformation by God in the life of a believer! Those are the two essentials in making disciples the Holy Spirit of God guiding a believer into the truth of God’s Word.


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