Demonstration of Living by Faith – Exodus

In Deuteronomy 34:10-12—the epitaph to the Books of Moses—an unidentified author closes this section of Scripture with the final events of Moses’ life that included a sort of eulogy, or obituary, for Moses. R. Kent Hughes wrote: “To all Jews, Moses was the greatest of all men… He was Israel’s greatest prophet. God communicated directly to him… This is why his face was luminous when he descended Mt. Sinai with the Ten Commandments. He was Israel’s greatest lawgiver. Virtually everything in their religion recalled his name. He was Israel’s great historian. Moses authored everything from Genesis to Deuteronomy. He was considered Israel’s greatest saint, for Scripture says he was “very meek, more than all people who were on the face of the earth” (Numbers 12:3). This is perhaps most amazing of all because often those who have accomplished great things are anything but humble. But Moses was the humblest of the entire human race! He was Israel’s greatest deliverer. His feats are wonderfully chronicled throughout the book of Exodus.


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