Focus on the Essential

There is nothing quite like the build up and anticipation for a winter storm in the South. A week ago today, the local meteorologists were telling us to get ready because a winter storm was on its way. Well, we’ve heard that before when it was much ado about nothing. But nonetheless, we prepare. Many would argue that the raids on the grocery stores and closing of schools and businesses are not only needed, they are essential. I wouldn’t disagree, but I do think we might take it a little overboard when we start hoarding 14 gallons of milk for a storm that’s supposed to last two days.

Today, as we continue our study through the Gospel of Luke—In the Steps of the Savior—we’re going to spend a little time focusing on some things that Jesus considered essential. Then we will attempt to apply these principles in our own lives to see how we might emulate Jesus’ actions today.


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