Lifestyle Worthy of The Gospel

I was watching highlights from Saturday’s football games, I saw a member of a Top 25 ranked, Division 1 team squirt water on one of his opponents as he was tackled out of bounds. After the game, the coach was asked about the incident. His response was priceless. He said, “What are we 7 years old!?!” Yesterday, that young man’s actions were unworthy of the team and the name that he wore on his chest and back. His behavior was ill-timed and immature—and he forgot that the whole world was watching. As we consider this game of life that we make our way through each day, we must not forget whose name we represent as we try to walk in the Spirit day-by-day. Paul challenges the Philippian believers to live a life that was worthy of the gospel. As we study this passage in Philippians 1, we will learn exactly what that looks like and be challenged to altar our lifestyle to be one that always brings glory to the One who has saved us and made us a part of His family and His kingdom.


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