What if you’re angry with God?

Why do bad things happen to good people? Why would God allow things like this to happen? Why didn’t God stop it from happening? If God really loves me, why is He allowing me to go through such pain? If you find yourself dealing with some of these questions, then I hope to be able to provide you with some steps to help you work through these feelings. Dealing with anger against God is a process; but unless you begin taking deliberate steps toward healing, you will continue to wallow in your anger and grief. There are many stories in the Old Testament about people who were angry with God. We have discussed some of those recently in your community groups. Today, we’re going to be considering a few of those stories to see how they navigated this minefield of being angry with God. We’re also going to look at the writings and teachings from the New Testament (Peter, Paul, James and Jesus) to gather pertinent teaching about the work of God in our lives.


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