Called to Witness

Perhaps nothing is more vital to our participation in God’s plan to grow His kingdom than our calling to be His witnesses. As we examine in Acts 1 the last words that Jesus gave to His followers before He ascended to the Father, we see that it clearly shows His purpose for leaving us in the world after we have trusted Him. We are called to bear witness to about what we have experienced in order to point those around us to His Word, which has the power to change lives. As the Holy Spirit schedules divine appointments, He deliberately puts us into opportunities with individuals where our testimony can be used to influence those He is calling to Himself.

The Gideons International is comprised of Christian businessmen and their wives who work together with a singular objective of seeing others come to Christ. They offer churches a number of tools to assist them in engaging their members toward sharing their experience with Christ in order to reach those He places in the path of each one. With the largest, most comprehensive network in the world for distributing Scripture, The Gideons can greatly assist Christians in their effort to reach their own Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and even to the ends of the earth.

Gideons Salvation Testimony


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