Exodus ~ Lesson 3

The Lord Calls a Leader (1-4)

I.  Redemption: The Lord Delivers His People (1-18)

“I will bring you out.” (Exodus 6:6)
  1. The Lord calls a leader (1-4)
    1. Need for a leader (1)
    2. Provision of a leader (2)
    3. Call of the leader (3)
    4. Confirmation of the leader (4)
  2. The Lord declares war on Pharaoh (5-10)
  3. The Lord wins the victory (11:1 – 15:21)
  4. The Lord provides for His people (15:22-17:16)
  5. The Lord provides counsel to His leader (18)


II.  Covenant: The Lord Claims His People (19-24)

“I will take you to Me for a people.” (Exodus 6:7)


III.  Worship: The Lord Dwells with His People (25-40)

“I will be to you a God.” (Exodus 6:7)


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