Light Out of the Darkness

The first words spoken by God as recorded in the Holy Scriptures are, “LET THERE BE LIGHT.” On that first day of creation, after God created the heavens and the earth, He spoke light into being. Light is a dynamic metaphor throughout Holy Writ—as is darkness.

2 Corinthians 4:6 tells us, “For God, who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.” Light illuminates—darkness hides. Light gives direction—darkness gives delusion. Light gives life—darkness gives despair.

Out of the darkness
One single flame tonight
Will glow throughout the earth.

Jesus said, “I am the light of the world.”


Temple Baptist Church Worship Choir and Kidz Choir Presents

Light! Out of the Darkness with Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus

Solo: Dan Carson

The Glory Revealed

Don’t Be Afraid

Youth Ensemble with Worship Choir

Glory to God

Kidz Choir

Sing Gloria!

Come Hushed to This Holy Place

Solo: Joanna Allen

Manger Far Away Medley

Solo: Kelly McEuen

Ancient Wonder in the Night

In the First Light

Solo: Michael Landis

Light! Out of the Darkness Reprise

Worship Choir – Directed by Dan Carson

Soprano: Carly Allen, Temple Carson, Kat Carson, Kelly McEuen, Elaine Simpson, Vickie Weaver

Alto: Joanna Allen, Stefanie Brown, Barbara Carson, Norma Fields, Jenny Harris, Kamie Harris

Tenor: Caleb Allen, Daniel Estes, Jackie Harris, John O’Connor, Roland Poertner

Bass: Wade Allen, Zach Brown, Riley Carson, Michael Landis, Sam Reddin, Ron Simpson

Youth Ensemble: Caleb Allen, Carly Allen, Zach Brown, Kat Carson, Riley Carson, Daniel Estes, Kamie Harris, Michael Landis

Kidz Choir: Directed by Joanna Allen & Kelly McEuen

Jesse Brown, Cydney Claybrooks, Anabelle Dabney,Seth Fulfer, Macy Greene, Kristina Palmer, Cadence Townzen, Jillian Williams

Narrator: Miriam Ketron

Sound Technician: Troy Reppond

Power Point Technician: Clay Townzen

Power Point: Jessica Simpson

Message: Pastor Wade Allen

Invitation: For He Alone is Worthy (#427)

Offertory: Follow the Light

Solo: John O’Connor


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